Unfuck Yourself – Coaching, Inspiration and Support

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The Tree-Like Visitor Returns

In my previous post, “The Spirits Come A Calling” I described a visit I had from a couple of spirits, and how I did not handle it very well because I went to fear. Well last Sunday, one of them, the tree-like visitor decided to make a return visit.

I was up at Giselle’s. I had had a pretty good day. I had spent some time in the Sanctuary doing some things on my own while Giselle was at work.

About 4 pm I got really tired and cold. I decided to take a nice hot bath. An hour later I was out of the bath much warmer and certainly peaceful, but still a bit tired.

I turned in early that night and set off to have a good night’s sleep. The Universe had other plans. It seemed like I woke up every couple of hours. In between waking up, I did manage to do some dreaming. Most of it was pretty tame and not very exciting….until I had my return visitor.
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Dreams Tell Tales

Last Saturday night, after an intense day of growth with Giselle, I had an interesting dream. I know dreams tell tales and I would love to have this interpreted by someone who is really good at that, but until then I have my own ideas about what this dream was trying to tell me. Enjoy.

Giselle was taking me to see a friend of hers. We went in her car but I sat in the back right in the middle. Her child, who is male in real life but female in my dream, was sitting in between my legs. She was thrilled to be able to buckle us in together. Once we started driving, I fell asleep fairly quickly.

Next thing I know we are standing in front of a blue manufactured home and Giselle spread her arms out, looked at me and said, “Here you go, 45 feet of pure bliss.” We started walking in and all of a sudden were in a greenhouse and there was a short older bald man with a slight beard and mustache working with some of the plants.

He looked up at me and said, “What are you doing here, we don’t need your kind here, get out!” That was when I noticed there was a tall young dark haired kid standing behind me. (I say kid but he was in his early 20’s) the kid just looked at me and then poof! he was gone. Then the old man said we should paint.
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What a Wild Ride!

I feel so weak, so strong
It’s the wildest ride I’ve ever been on
– Radney Foster (Sure Feels Right)

I went up to see Giselle again this past weekend and WOW, What A Wild Ride it was. This whole journey sure is something else. It was intense, and emotional, and beautiful, and simply magical.

Not sure if Giselle would totally agree with me and I am pretty sure utterly energetically draining would be on her list. Bless her heart for putting up with me and allowing me to go down whatever road I need to go down and holding sacred space for me no matter how it affects her.

How truly blessed I am to have this magical woman in my life, guiding me. Even when guiding means helping me stay upright while belting out Cabaret with such pure joy and emotion! What a beautiful moment that was.

She told me this weekend that I have been awfully kind and generous with my words on the blog about her and I told her she gives me reason to be. I guess it is a two way street.
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Interesting Article On Soul Healing

One of the aspects to the Shaman Path that has intrigued me and inspired me is the Soul or Spirit Healing. Again, I think there are many views on what exactly this pertains but I think most agree that in general, A Shaman travels to the Spirit Realm and works with Spirits to perform healing’s for those in the physical realm.

I obviously have much more leaning and understanding to do before I can even think about wearing the healing hat, but it is something that I really want to do. I love the thought of being able to serve others in that way.

Since it is one of the things I am looking forward to, I have been doing quite a bit of research on it. During my research I came across this article that shed an entirely new light on the whole process for me. I know that when I get to the point where I can offer this service, what I learned from this article will come into play.
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Overwhelming Spirits

Last week I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible lower back pain. I was eventually able to go back to sleep but didn’t sleep well. When I awoke the next morning I still had the back pain. It was worse than any back pain I have ever had before.

I had a doctors appointment already scheduled for the following day so I decided to just grin and bear it until the next day. It was a miserable day and when I got home I was talking to Tawneey and she suggested I take a hot bath. Thant sounded like a terrific idea to me so I did just that.

I sunk into that wonderfully relaxing water and closed my eyes and let it all just wash away. I relaxed so much that I was unaware of the pain. I was so peaceful and warm. It was glorious.

Then I heard a faint voice trying to get my attention. I ignored it for a little bit but then it sounded like it was pleading. I opened my eyes but saw no one. I thought maybe I was hearing voices from outside but that wasn’t it. Then I heard the voice again.
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