Unfuck Yourself – Coaching, Inspiration and Support

2021 New Year, New Beginnings

I know it has been quite a long time since I posted here. I have been going through a lot of shit, took some training to become a certified life coach and have been working on putting together some life coaching shit. The goal is to have it all up and running by the end of January. So here is a brief breakdown of what is coming.

A do it yourself online course. You can download all the PDF’s and work your way through it. There are also videos/slide show and audio of the main lessons that you can watch or listen to. But all the resources and extra exercises are PDF only. This is a nice course that you work through on your own. If you do the work it will change your life.

A monthly subscription membership site. This is where all the juicy meat will be. This is where you can talk directly to me and get coaching, inspiration and support from me. Inside the members area will be a ton of downloads as well, exercises, affirmations, articles, reports, whatever I can add. As a member you will also get free or discounts on any other ebooks, programs etc, that I set up. We will also have a private chat group on Telegram. I will also do live videos and workshops that will be free for members.

There is a Facebook group as well where I will post some things for free. There will be exercises and downloads available there as well but not as many as there will be in the membership site. I am also working on a few ebooks/reports that will be released by the end of January as well.

There is still a lot of work to do but I am plugging away. I will keep you all posted.

Lets make 2021 the year where we all unfuck ourselves!

New You Tube Show

Brandy And Stella Screenshot
Screenshot Of Our New You Tube Channel

Welcome to 2018. I had a lot of things transpire for me in 2017 and I definitely did not do a good job of keeping up with the blog. I hope to do better this year. I have gone through many changes and realized many new things about myself last year. It was a great year with lots of growth.
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My First Juried Art Fair

BumblebeeJasper Painting
Photo By Me, Cheryl Larkin of Painting Done By Me

The two paintings shown in this post have been accepted into the Sedona Art Festival 2017. I am so excited. This was the first juried process I have applied to and the first art festival I have tried to get my paintings into. I submitted three paintings to the jury and they chose two of the three to be in the festival.
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Moving Right Along

Custom Painting
Photo by Me, Cheryl Larkin of My Art Work

Time sure is flying by. I am now a few months into my move to Cottonwood and I am settling in very well. I have even gotten back into the swing of painting and doing all the things necessary to sell my art. I am not fond of the marketing and photographing and listing but they are important parts of the bigger picture, which is to eventually support myself with my art.
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Photo by Me, Cheryl Larkin

WOW! So much has happened in the last few months, I can hardly believe it is already May. It is a fun story but the short of it is, I have moved to Cottonwood. I got a job with the Goodwill up here and made the move a week ago. There is a lot that transpired to get me to this point but here I am.
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