Unfuck Yourself – Coaching, Inspiration and Support

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Universe Show Me Something Beautiful

Tree Roots
Photo by me, Cheryl Larkin

Every morning one of the first things I do is say Universe Show Me Something Beautiful. This statement puts me into a mind set to really notice and appreciate all the beauty that I am surrounded by every day.
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Vivid And Vibrant Beauty Is Everywhere

Photo by me, Cheryl Larkin

I have noticed that lately everything seems to be so vivid and vibrant to me. The clouds, the sky, the mountians, the cactus, the trees, even the dirt on the ground. IT is all so beautiful.

Today driving home from work was no different. I saw the most vivid and colorful rainbow. The picture here does not do it justice, but I took it with my ancient cell phone while driving so I am pretty happy that it turned out at all.
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A Magical Morning

Magical Light
Photo By Cheryl Larkin

This morning I had a very magical walk. I went about a hour earlier than usual becuase my neice was not coming with me so I didn’t need to wait until after taking her son to school. I simply took my daughter and headed off to do my walk alone.

It was cold, at least for me, I could see my breath and my face and my ears were getting that stinging feeling. There was hardly anyone around, 2 other cars at the parking lot and then I was a mile and a half into my walk before I saw another person.
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