Photo by Me, Cheryl Larkin, Edited To Add Quote
Well here we are, 2 years have passed since I met Giselle and WOW! what a 2 years it has been. I have certainly changed a lot and my world is a bit a different. Or my thinking about the world has changed. Either way, I do feel like I am living in a different world than before.
I do not think I could have scripted a better story for my life, although I know someone did. 😉
The changes in me and my thinking have been pretty huge and it has been quite the fun ride. I am still grateful every day that I met Giselle and she opened the door for me. I know I had to have the strength and courage to walk through the door, but it needed opening first.
It is so funny to me see how our paths have changed over the past two years but it is all good. Life is an expereince and it is meant to be lived and enjoyed. And boy am I living it and enjoying every minute. I am so excited to see what lies a head for me.
Thank you for another mind blowing, fun, entertaining and interesting year. It has been such a great ride and I am so grateful that you were written into my story. Each new storyline just gets better and better. I know there are many more great adventures ahead. I Love You.