Unfuck Yourself – Coaching, Inspiration and Support

5 Things We Need To Know

This is another terrific post that was on my Facebook page. It was passed on from another terrific site called zenpresence.com

1. Your human life is impermanent.
Self explanatory. No matter what your spiritual beliefs, this life has limits. Cherish every moment.

2. Life has whatever meaning you give it.
So many people, myself included, waste so many years searching for a pre-packaged purpose to be placed at their feet. Save yourself some time. Create a purpose from your values and beliefs. Creating a list of principles, values, and beliefs is a good place to start.

3. You can ( and do) make a difference.
Everything you do ( or don’t do ) makes a difference. No man is an island. All of your choices affect everyone else in your life in one manner or another. Are you adding value?

4. Almost any mistake can be corrected.
Learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell. Don’t live in the past. Correct your mistakes and move on. When necessary, ask forgiveness.

5. You are not alone.
You are never alone. Distance yourself from the negative people in your life and connect with the positive people. Sometimes just surrounding yourself with positive people can make all of the difference.

Written by Zen Presence – A new voice at zenpresence.com

This post just resonated with me when I first read it. These are 5 seemingly simple things but many times the simple things are the ones that I struggle to grasp.

I absolutely LOVE how much wonderful stuff is getting to me via Facebook. I used to ignore Facebook because it was filled with such hatred and way too many game requests, but now that I have opened up my heart to Spirit, the great things are finding their way to me.

I am grateful to be reminded of these things. Shifting my way of thinking has not been a smooth road but with help from all the wonderful like-minded positive people that are finding their way to me, I am growing every day.

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