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Letting Go

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”

― Eckhart Tolle,
A New Earth:
Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

Letting Go

When I first saw this it really touched me. I am struggling right now with letting go of my mind, my thoughts, the lies, the illusions, basically everything I thought to be real.
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Five Hours – Poetry

9:30 am I grab that first beer
Empty stomach, empty soul
The mind machine clogged up
Trying to make sense
Of that which has no sense

Anger raging through me
Sorrow chasing it down
Mourning in full force
For losing what was not there
In the first place

10:30 am I grab that third beer
Drunk is setting in
A fabricated lifetime of
Tears parading down my cheeks
A cosmic hurt in my heart
That isn’t there and never was
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Uncertainty and Certainty

Well I just got home from Giselle’s and I am worn out. It was an extra long weekend for me and boy was it filled with mind-exploding shit. There was also a good amount of pure fun.

As suspected, the retreat was nothing like I could have ever imagined, or exactly as I imagined. It depends on your perspective, I guess. It was confusing and crystal clear at the same time.

There is a lot that needs to work its way through me and until it does I am completely uncertain about where I go from here.
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Thursday’s Thoughts – 4/11/2013

Another week has passed by. It sure seems to me like time is moving awfully fast. I am not sure if that is a good thing, a bad thing, or simply a thing. Here are my thoughts for today.

Tomorrow I am heading up North to see Giselle. I am beyond excited. Our retreats are certainly interesting with surprises floating in and I am sure this one will be no different.

I am heading into this weekend like a child getting on a fair ride for the first time. Full of wonder and excitement but no real expectations, just as Giselle recommended.

I have certainly had my share of ideas about what this weekend will be about but they are all just ideas. The truth is, I trust that whatever happens is exactly what is supposed to happen. I think Giselle is finally starting to rub off onto me. 🙂
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Thursday’s Thoughts – 3/28/2013

Well, this week’s thoughts are a day late. My biggest thought is that without going to my previous job, routine has gone out of the window. And I enjoy that. Here are my thoughts.

I have been having a wonderful time doing what I want when I want and not being tied down to time or any real routine. I know I went from one end of the spectrum to the other quickly but it has been great.

As I search for new opportunities I realize that right now I am living day to day, moment to moment, and it is glorious. I do have things on the calendar that I am aware of but they are not consuming me. I simply deal with them as they arrive.

Maybe this is the lesson I needed to learn and getting laid off was the teacher. This is a way of living I will continue even when new opportunities present themselves.
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